Category Index

Aktuelles / Aus dem Netzwerk

1st annual meeting


Roman Seidel

Die erste Jahrestagung des Netzwerkes fand unter dem Titel „Dis/entangling History/ies of Philosophy/ies“ am 19.-20. August 2021 an der Freien Universität Berlin statt. Die einzelnen Beiträge diskutierten Zugänge und Beiträge zur Historiographie der Philosophie in der islamischen Welt der Moderne.

Aktuelles / Veröffentlichungen

Qiyama as Rebellion, Taqiyya as Hypercamouflage: The Political Theology of Reza Negarestani


Roman Seidel

Network member Carool Kersten has written an article about the Iranian-born philosopher Reza Negarestani (*1977), which has now appeared in the Journal World Futures (*1977). The research for this publication was conducted as part of his involvement in a research project “Creation Theology between Humanism and Posthumanism” at the Institute of Philosophical Studies of the Science & Research Centre in Koper, Slovenia.

Aktuelles / Veranstaltungen

DGPhil: Philosophie in globaler Perspektive


Kata Moser

Am diesjährigen XXV. Kongress der DGPhil, der vom 5. bis 9. September 2021 online ausgerichtet wird, ist die Philosophie in der islamischen Welt im Rahmen der Sektion „Philosophie in globaler Perspektive“ mit einem Panel und drei Vorträgen vertreten.

Aktuelles / Aus dem Netzwerk

Kick-off workshop, March 12-13, 2021, online


Kata Moser

The DFG-funded scholarly network “Philosophy in the Modern Islamic World” was officially launched during a kick-off workshop on March 12-13, 2021. All network members were present, meeting for the first time as a working group on this occasion.

Aktuelles / Aus dem Netzwerk

Working meetings of the research network 2021-2024


Roman Seidel

In a series of working meetings the network will discuss different aspects of philosophy in the Modern Islamic World both from a thematic and methodological perspective.

Aktuelles / Veranstaltungen

Arab Theory, Islam And Europeanist History Of Philosophy


Roman Seidel
Lecture by Jens Hanssen On march 22nd 2021 Jens Hanssen, Associate Professor of Middle East History at the University of Toronto, and co-editor of the books will give a lecture…