What Goes Up Must Come Down (Lecture JProf. Dr. Andreas Lammer)
What Goes Up Must Come Down (Lecture JProf. Dr. Andreas Lammer)

Andreas Lammer is Junior Professor for Arabic Philosophy, Culture, and History at the Philosophy Department of the University of Trier. His monograph deals with Avicenna’s Physics, and he is involved in an ongoing research project on the heirs of Avicenna in the Islamic East (12-13 century). His second research focus is the history of premodern meteorology. He published widely on various aspects of Ibn Sina’s Philosophy and Physics and translated al-Ghazali’s “The incoherence of philosophy”, the translation of Pseudo-Aristotle’s “On Plants” is in preparation.
JProf. Lammer’s talk will be about early Arabic theories on the water cycle.
The talk, hosted by the scholarly network „Philosophy in the Modern Islamic World“, will be held via zoom.
Date Dezember 14th
Time: 6 – 8 pm
Venue: Zoom
For participation please use this Zoom-Link