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Featured Events / Network News / News

“Philosophy, the Political, and Politics of Translation in the Modern Islamic World”, Program


Kata Moser

The network’s international conference “Philosophy, the Political, and Politics of Translation in the Modern Islamic World” in Berlin, 10-12 March 2025 announces its program and welcomes you to join the lectures on manifold aspects of translation, its philosophical and socio-political contexts, and aesthetic and critical dimensions.

Featured Events / Network News / News

Lecture: “The German Spirit in Istanbul” by Pascale Roure


Roman Seidel

On Wednesday, 11th December, Network Member Pascale Roure (Yıldız TU Istanbul) will give a talk on ontology and philosophical anthropology at Istanbul University: “İstanbul’da Alman Ruhu: İstanbul Felsefe Bölümü’nde Ontoloji ve Felsefî Antropoloji”

Featured Events / News

ITS-Colloquium: Islamic Feminism: Exploring Boundaries and Embracing Possibilities


Kata Moser

International ITS-Colloquium “Islamic Feminism: Exploring Boundaries and Embracing Possibilities” (AIWG) explores Islamic feminism as one of the most discussed intellectual movements in the Islamic world and will be held at the Goethe-University Frankfurt, November 22–23, 2024, organized by the network members Mansooreh Khalilizand and Kata Moser

Featured Events / Network News / News

International conference “Philosophy, the Political, and Politics of Translation in the Modern Islamic World”, call for proposals


Kata Moser

The network organizes the international conference “Philosophy, the Political, and Politics of Translation in the Modern Islamic World” in Berlin, 10-13 March 2025 and calls for proposals concerning, among others, concepts in translation, historical approaches, educational aspects and philosophical dimensions.

Featured Events

NISIS Study Day “Islamic Philosophy?”, Radboud University, Nijmegen, 12 April 2024


Kata Moser

During this study-day, organised by the Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS) and Radboud University (RU) in Nijmegen, we will introduce MA-students and PhD-candidates in Islamic studies, philosophy or related fields to Islamic philosophy and present them with some pressing questions in this field. Three network members are involved: Carool Kersten (Keynote), Harald Viersen, and Kata Moser.

Featured Events / News

How to Support a Revolution »Frau, Leben, Freiheit – emanzipatorische Potenziale« (Artikel von Nacim Ghanbari in der Zeitschrift MERKUR)


Roman Seidel

Nacim Ghanbari bespricht in ihrem Beitrag How to Support a Revolution , erschienen in der Zeitschrift MERKUR (Heft 892, September 2023) auf die von Katajun Amirpur an der Univ. Köln veranstaltete  öffentlichen Ringvorlesung “FRAU, LEBEN, FREIHEIT – EMANZIPATORISCHE POTENZIALE”. Dabei geht sie auch auf den Vortrag “Die Revolution denken. Zur subversiven Kraft der Philosophie auf dem Weg der iranischen Freiheitsbewegung” von Roman Seidel ein, der am 26.6.2023 in der Karl Rahner Akademie in Köln statt fand.

Featured Events / News

Online book launch – Thinking the Re-Thinking of the World


Roman Seidel

On 13th of march the editors of the recently published open access volume 
Thinking the Re-Thinking of the World, invite to an online book launch.
Most authors, including network coordiantor Roman Seidel, shall be present online and give a brief talk on their chapters before an open discussion.

Featured Events / News

Women Life Freedom: Philosophies, Histories, Possibilities


Roman Seidel

This hybrid symposium, taking place on March 3, 2023 at the University of Dayton as an academic tribute to the Woman Life Freedom movement, will explore the philosophical, historical and contemporary dimensions  and possibilities of the women’s human rights struggle in the Middle East, and its relationship with authoritarianism and decolonization.