
Philosophies in the Islamic World: Then and Now – A Collaborative Lecture Series


Lecture series jointly organized by the scholarly Networks LOGOS+ and Philosophy in the Modern Islamic World

Despite an increase in research in the field, philosophy in the Islamic World is still largely studied as a historical phenomenon, with its study geographically limited to Middle East area studies. However, philosophical thought originating from the Islamic world is not restricted to the past nor exclusive to a particular region, and it is not disconnected from other intellectual traditions.

To promote a genuine encounter between different perspectives on various currents of Philosophy in the Islamic World, this lecture series aims to create a space for scholars and philosophers from Japan, Iran, Lebanon and Germany to present their thoughts and to engage in a transcultural, multifocal dialogue on a specific topic in the field. By bringing together perspectives from and on different regions, epochs, and research approaches, the series seeks to highlight pathways of re-reading Islamic intellectual traditions through the lens of new questions and challenges, exposing hidden potentialities and foregrounding its contemporaneity.


Upcoming lectures in the lecture series “Philosophies in the Islamic World: Then and Now”:

18 April 2023, 6 – 8 pm: Avicenna’s Legacy in the Philosophy of the Modern Islamic(ate) World. Continentaland Analytic Perspectives. Speakers: Nader El-Bizri (Sharjah) and Seyed N. Mousavian (Chicago). [Details]

16 May 2023, 4 – 6 pm: What is Philosophy? Re-orienting Philosophy through Toshihiko Izutsu’s “Oriental Philosophy”. Speaker: Makoto Sawai (Tenri) [Details]

13 June 2023, 6 – 8 pm: Al-Fārābī – Ein Klassiker und seine Aktualitäten. Speakers: Sarhan Dhouib (Hildesheim) and Nadja Germann (Freiburg im Breisgau)

11 July 2023, 6 – 8 pm: From Medieval Conceptions of Free Will to Modern Notions of Freedom: Between the Theoretical and the Practical. Speakers: Saida Mirsadri (Paderborn) and Zahra Mobalegh (Tehran, Harvard)


The lectures will be held via zoom.

Venue: Zoom

Please consult the flyer and the links for more information on the venue and on other talks in this series.

Link to ZOOM

Link to flyer

Link to first lecture (18.4.)

Link to second lecture (16.05.)

Link to third lecture (12.06.)

Link to fourth lecture (11.07)