Category Index

Network News / News

Die Revolution denken. Zur subversiven Kraft der Philosophie auf dem Weg der iranischen Freiheitsbewegung. Vortrag mit Dr. Roman Seidel (RUB)


Sheryn El-Alfy

Am 26.06.2023 um 18:00 Uhr findet der Vortrag “Die Revolution denken. Zur subversiven Kraft der Philosophie auf dem Weg der iranischen Freiheitsbewegung” von Dr. Roman Seidel statt im Rahmen der öffentlichen Ringvorlesung “FRAU, LEBEN, FREIHEIT – EMANZIPATORISCHE POTENZIALE” unter der Moderation und Leitung von Katajun Amirpur.

Network News / News

Al-Fārābī – Ein Klassiker und seine Aktualitäten. Vorträge von Dr. Sarhan Dhouib (Hildesheim) und Prof. Nadja Germann (Freiburg im Breisgau)


Sheryn El-Alfy

Am 13. Juni 2023 um 18 Uhr veranstalten das wissenschaftliche Netzwerk LOGOS+ and das Kolloquium für Philosophie in der MENA-Region die online Vorträge von Dr. Sarhan Dhouib (Hildesheim) und Prof. Nadja Germann (Freiburg im Breisgau) im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Vortragsreihe “Philosophies in the Islamic World: Then and Now”, die Teilnahme bedarf keiner Anmeldung und ist kostenlos.

Network News / News

What is Philosophy? Re-orienting Philosophy through Toshihiko Izutsu’s “Oriental Philosophy”. Lecture with Dr. Makoto Sawai (Tenri, Japan)


Sheryn El-Alfy

On May, 16th, 4pm the scholarly Networks LOGOS+ and the Colloquium for Philosophy in the MENA-Region is hosting an online talk by Dr. Makoto Sawai (Tenri, Japan) as part of the collaborative lecture series “Philosophies in the Islamic World: Then and Now”, participation is free and without registration.

Network News / News

Avicenna’s Legacy in the Philosophy of the Modern Islamic(ate) World. Continental and Analytic Perspectives


Sheryn El-Alfy

On April, 18th, 6pm the scholarly Networks LOGOS+ and Philosophy in the Modern Islamic World are hosting an online talk by Prof. Nader El-Bizri (Sharjah) and Prof. Seyed N. Mousavian (Chicago) as part of the collaborative lecture series “Philosophies in the Islamic World: Then and Now”, participation is free and without registration.

Network News / News

Philosophies in the Islamic World: Then and Now – A Collaborative Lecture Series


Sheryn El-Alfy

The lecture series jointly organized by the scholarly Networks LOGOS+ and Philosophy in the Modern Islamic World promotes a genuine encounter between different perspectives on various currents of Philosophy in the Islamic World and creates a space for scholars and philosophers from Japan, Iran, Lebanon and Germany to present their thoughts and to engage in a transcultural, multifocal dialogue on a specific topic in the field.

Network News / News / Publications by Network Members

Überreichung der Festschrift zur Ehrung von Anke von Kügelgen


Sheryn El-Alfy

Am 18. März 2023 wurde Anke von Kügelgen an der Universität Göttingen die zu ihren Ehren verfasste Festschrift überreicht. Diese Festschrift für die Philosophiehistorikerin und Islamwissenschaftlerin Anke von Kügelgen trägt ihrem übergeordneten Forschungsinteresse an „Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften” Rechnung und präsentiert originelle Forschungsbeiträge von ihren Kolleg:innen und Schüler:innen.

Featured Events / News

Online book launch – Thinking the Re-Thinking of the World


Roman Seidel

On 13th of march the editors of the recently published open access volume 
Thinking the Re-Thinking of the World, invite to an online book launch.
Most authors, including network coordiantor Roman Seidel, shall be present online and give a brief talk on their chapters before an open discussion.

News / Publications by Network Members

Decentering Enlightenment: New Publication by Roman Seidel


Roman Seidel

Roman Seidel article “Decentring the Grand Narrative of the Enlightenment: The Transregional Micronarrative of Mīrzā Āqā Khān Kermānī’s Writings in Global Intellectual History,” has just been published in the Volume Thinking the Re-Thinking of the World. Decolonial Challenges to the Humanities and Social Sciences from Africa, Asia and the Middle East, edited by Kai Kresse and Abdoulaye Sounaye. Seidel’s article discusses some methodological reflections such as epistemic asymmetries and the idea of philosophical micro narratives.

Featured Events / News

Women Life Freedom: Philosophies, Histories, Possibilities


Roman Seidel

This hybrid symposium, taking place on March 3, 2023 at the University of Dayton as an academic tribute to the Woman Life Freedom movement, will explore the philosophical, historical and contemporary dimensions  and possibilities of the women’s human rights struggle in the Middle East, and its relationship with authoritarianism and decolonization.