Istanbul Rendezvous: The network meets in Türkiye

In the first week of November 2024, our network met abroad for the first time since its inception three years agp. A small delegation traveled to Istanbul to prepare an international network event that took place on 7 November. The idea behind this event was to bring together researchers with a shared interest in modern intellectual history and contemporary thought from countries throughout the Middle East as well as from Europe.
The objective of the meeting was not that of a common academic workshop where scholars present their latest research. Rather, we aimed to join with an international group of peers to get to know each other, discuss the current state of our area of study, and explore ways in which it may be developed in the future. None of the network members had any experience with this kind of meeting, but we were excited to try it out and it turned out to be a great success.
Inspired by the wonderful surroundings of the Postane building in the heart of Galata and unburdened by the usual demands of an academic workshop to discuss the content of their research, all participants engaged in free and creative discussions about the larger issues facing our common field. These discussions led to interesting suggestions for future projects and cooperation. We are looking to follow up on these ideas in the new year, so stay tuned!