
Featured Events, Network News

International conference “Philosophy, the Political, and Politics of Translation in the Modern Islamic World”, call for proposals


The network organizes the international conference “Philosophy, the Political, and Politics of Translation in the Modern Islamic World” in Berlin, 10-13 March 2025 and calls for proposals concerning, among others, concepts in translation, historical approaches, educational aspects and philosophical dimensions.

Featured Events

NISIS Study Day “Islamic Philosophy?”, Radboud University, Nijmegen, 12 April 2024


During this study-day, organised by the Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS) and Radboud University (RU) in Nijmegen, we will introduce MA-students and PhD-candidates in Islamic studies, philosophy or related fields to Islamic philosophy and present them with some pressing questions in this field. Three network members are involved: Carool Kersten (Keynote), Harald Viersen, and Kata Moser.

Network News, News

Islamic Feminism – Report on a university course by Dr. Mansooreh Khalilizand and Prof. Dr. Kata Moser


Islamic feminism is a highly controversial title of a vivid and productive discourse with an already long history. Not only does the term and its implications spark heated debates and touch upon boiling societal issues, but it also strikes a nerve for scholars and students interested in current socio-political challenges. In the winter semester 2023-24, Khalilizand and Moser chose “Islamic feminism” as the subject of their joint university course.

Network News

Call of Paper – Congress on “Societies in Transition: Law, Culture and Politics in the Middle East”


The congress “Societies in Transition: Law, Culture and Politics in the Middle East” (also the 30th International DAVO Congress) will take place from September 26th to 28th, 2024 at University of Göttingen. This congress invites submissions on topics in the humanities and social sciences that deal with research on the Middle East, North Africa and other states influenced by Islam or their relations with other regions. There is a section dedicated to Philosophy and History of Ideas, among others.

Network News

Public Keynote Lecture and Panel Discussion – The Political in Philosophical Discourses of the Modern Islamic World


As part of the workshop “The Political in Philosophical Discourses of the Modern Islamic World,” the public keynote lecture by Zeynep Direk on “Heidegger and Atatürk: Existential Phenomenology and the Political” will take place on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 6:00 pm. Furthermore, on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 6:00 pm, there will be the public panel discussion “Exploring Philosophy and the Political in and with the Islamic World” featuring Zeynep Direk, Elizabeth Kassab, Salah Mosbah, Eliane Saadé, and Ali Reza Shomali. Both events are also transmitted in a live stream.

Network News

Workshop – The Political in Philosophical Discourses of the Modern Islamic World


From 26th to 28th of september the scholarly network Philosophy in the Modern Islamic World will hold and host the workshop on “The Political in Philosophical Discourses of the Modern Islamic World” at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Keynote and Panel discussion – on site and via live stream – are open to the public.

Featured Events

How to Support a Revolution »Frau, Leben, Freiheit – emanzipatorische Potenziale« (Artikel von Nacim Ghanbari in der Zeitschrift MERKUR)


Nacim Ghanbari bespricht in ihrem Beitrag How to Support a Revolution , erschienen in der Zeitschrift MERKUR (Heft 892, September 2023) auf die von Katajun Amirpur an der Univ. Köln veranstaltete  öffentlichen Ringvorlesung “FRAU, LEBEN, FREIHEIT – EMANZIPATORISCHE POTENZIALE”. Dabei geht sie auch auf den Vortrag “Die Revolution denken. Zur subversiven Kraft der Philosophie auf dem Weg der iranischen Freiheitsbewegung” von Roman Seidel ein, der am 26.6.2023 in der Karl Rahner Akademie in Köln statt fand.

Network News

From Medieval Conceptions of Free Will to Modern Notions of Freedom: Between the Theoretical and the Practical. Lecture by Saida Mirsadri and Zahra Mobalegh


On July, 11th, 6pm the scholarly Networks LOGOS+ and the Colloquium for Philosophy in the MENA-Region are hosting an online talk by Dr. Saida Mirsadri (Paderborn) and Prof. Zahra Mobalegh (IHCS Tehran, Harvard) as part of the collaborative lecture series “Philosophies in the Islamic World: Then and Now”.
