
Featured Ressources, News

Dynamik des Seins. Aktuelle Perspektiven auf Ontologie in Iran. Aufzeichnung jetzt Online


Die Aufzeichnung der Vorlesung “Dynamik des Seins. Aktuelle Perspektiven auf Ontologie in Iran”, die Roman Seidel und Mansooreh Khalilizand im Rahmen der von der Wiener Gesellschaft für Interkultuerelle Philosophie und dem Netzwerk “Philosphie in der islamischen Welt der Moderne” am Do 5.5.2022 gehalten haben, ist nun online verfügbar.

Network News, News

Aspects of the Development of Modern Turkish Academic Philosophy


In two talks this concluding panel of the Lecture Series “Philosophizing in the Islamic Modern World. An Intercultural Perspective” is devoted to Developements of Academic Philosophy in Modern Turkey. Zeynep Direk (Koç University, Istanbul) will discuss “The Ideal of Turkish Modernity in Turkish Philosophical Humanism” followed by a presentation of Christoph Herzog (University of Bamberg) which will be focussing “On the Institutionalization of Academic Philosophy in the Republic of Turkey (1930s to 1970s).

Featured Ressources, News

Nassif Nassar über philosophische Unabhängigkeit und menschliche Freiheit. Aufzeichnung jetzt Online


Die Aufzeichnung der Vorlesung “Nassif Nassar über philosophische Unabhängigkeit und menschliche Freiheit”, die Elizabeth Suzane Kassab und Michaek Frey im Rahmen der von der Wiener Gesellschaft für Interkultuerelle Philosophie und dem Netzwerk “Philosphie in der islamischen Welt der Moderne” am Do 7.4.2022 gehalten haben, ist nun online verfügbar.

Network News, News

Dynamics of Being. Contemporary Perspectives on Ontology in Iran


This panel is devoted to aspects of metaphysics in contemporary Iran. An introductory overview will focus on the context, basic ideas and meaning of Molla Sadra’s Philosphy in Iran today. The following presentation will outline the main lines of Ṣadrā’s thought, as well as some of his core concepts, explore the innovative nature of his philosophical system and discuss how central Islamic concepts – Allah, Qur’an, creation – undergo a radical philosophical transformation.

News, Publications by Network Members

Study on Islam and its Contemporary Significance


The as yet unpublished work “Studie über den Islam und seine gegenwärtige Bedeutung” (Study on Islam and its Contemporary Significance) , written by the Syrian philosopher Nayef Ballouz is now available as vol. 3 of the book series “Philosophy in the Modern Middle East” (Berlin: de Gruyter October 2021). Originally written in the 1980s the work is now accessible in the German translation by Alexander Flores.

Featured Ressources, News, Publications by Network Members

Kritikauffassungen in der arabischsprachigen Philosophie. Aufzeichnung jetzt Online


Die Aufzeichnung der Vorlesung “Kritikauffassungen in der arabischsprachigen Philosophie”, die Anke von Kügelgen und Sarhan Dhouib im Rahmen der von der Wiener Gesellschaft für Interkultuerelle Philosophie und dem Netzwerk “Philosphie in der islamischen Welt der Moderne” am Do 17.3.2022 gehalten haben, ist nun online verfügbar.

Featured Events, News

Forms and Functions of Islamic Philosophy


The conference “Forms and Functions of Islamic Philosophy” – taking place online on Thursday, March 31, 2022 and Friday, April 1, 2022 – seeks to highlight how Islamic philosophy (falsafa/ḥikma) was practiced “in conversation”—between scholars, with various audiences, and with different disciplines, approaches, and rhetoric.

Network News, News

Philosophizing in the Islamic Modern World. An Intercultural Perspective


The lecture series “Philosophising in the Islamic Modern World” presents aspects of philosophical discourses from different Middle Eastern language areas on the basis of debates on critique, secularity, speculative realism and modernity in a systematic and intercultural perspective. In four panels, the international guests will address various philosophical thematic fields in an interdisciplinary and intercultural way and explore the possibility of global philosophising.
