
Network News

Al-Fārābī – Ein Klassiker und seine Aktualitäten. Vorträge von Dr. Sarhan Dhouib (Hildesheim) und Prof. Nadja Germann (Freiburg im Breisgau)


Am 13. Juni 2023 um 18 Uhr veranstalten das wissenschaftliche Netzwerk LOGOS+ and das Kolloquium für Philosophie in der MENA-Region die online Vorträge von Dr. Sarhan Dhouib (Hildesheim) und Prof. Nadja Germann (Freiburg im Breisgau) im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Vortragsreihe “Philosophies in the Islamic World: Then and Now”, die Teilnahme bedarf keiner Anmeldung und ist kostenlos.

Network News

Philosophies in the Islamic World: Then and Now – A Collaborative Lecture Series


The lecture series jointly organized by the scholarly Networks LOGOS+ and Philosophy in the Modern Islamic World promotes a genuine encounter between different perspectives on various currents of Philosophy in the Islamic World and creates a space for scholars and philosophers from Japan, Iran, Lebanon and Germany to present their thoughts and to engage in a transcultural, multifocal dialogue on a specific topic in the field.

Network News, Publications by Network Members

Überreichung der Festschrift zur Ehrung von Anke von Kügelgen


Am 18. März 2023 wurde Anke von Kügelgen an der Universität Göttingen die zu ihren Ehren verfasste Festschrift überreicht. Diese Festschrift für die Philosophiehistorikerin und Islamwissenschaftlerin Anke von Kügelgen trägt ihrem übergeordneten Forschungsinteresse an „Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften” Rechnung und präsentiert originelle Forschungsbeiträge von ihren Kolleg:innen und Schüler:innen.

Network News, News

A Feminist Revolution? Perspectives on the Freedom Movement in Iran – Online Panel


The network “Philosophy in the Islamic Modern World” and the colloquium “Philosophy in the MENA Region” is organising a public online panel session (in German) on the protest movement in Iran on Tue 22 Nov 2022 (6-8pm). Since mid-September 2022, people in Iran are protesting for a life in dignity and freedom. Women play a leading role in the protest movement, which is why it is already labelled a feminist revolution. Under the slogan “Women, Life, Freedom” (zan, zendegī, āzādī), the protests have developed an unexpected dynamic that has already brought about profound social changes. Which conceptual and historical perspectives are helpful to understand the emergence and development of the current events.? How can the unbroken will of the movement be explained, what is the significance of the pioneering roles of women and young people, what holds this movement together and how can its global political dimension be conceptually reflected? This and other questions will be addressed on the panel in input lectures and subsequent discussion.

Network News

The network present with two organised panels at the Deutsche Orientalistentag 2022 in Berlin


The network organised two thematic panels on philosophy in the Islamic world of modernity at the “Deutscher Orientalistentag”, which took place at Freie Universität Berlin from 12 to 17 September 2022. The first panel, “Exploring a Field of Research”, presented perspectives and goals of the network in the field of tension between academic disciplines and concepts of philosophy. The second panel, “Revisiting Arab Formations of the Secular and Secularism”, discussed approaches for a reassessment of the manifestations of the secular in the Arab world with a view to their complex interconnections with Western modernity, the (after)effects of the colonial legacy and intellectual traditions of the Arab-Islamic history of ideas.
